
We do that thing where we play nice music before we chat about the game

Episode 16: Indie May-hem (send help)

TOO MANY GREAT GAMES RELEASED IN MAY. Don’t get us wrong, we love being bombarded with cool indies but, MY GOD, May has been wild. In this episode, the Indieventure gang sit down to chat about this phenomenon and get into which games they played out of the torrent of releases.

Episode 15: Indie games we missed from 2023

The gang revisit 2023 to recommend some indies they missed.

A painted picture of the moustachioed detective Harry from Disco Elysium.

Episode 8: The Return of the Vault

In Episode 8 of Indieventure, we re-introduce an old favourite concept of ours from days gone by: the Indieventure Vault, an eclectic mind-palace of our own construction where we store the very best indie games,...

Episode 6: Our 2023 Indie Games of the Year

The Indieventure trio discuss their favourite indie games of 2023.

Episode 1: We’re back babyyy!

If you love indie games and love listening to friendly folks chat about indie games, congrats! You’ve found the right podcast! It’s the first official episode of Indiventure and after an exciting reunion Liam, Rebecca, and Rachel get right into what they’ve been playing recently. 

Episode 0: Indiescovery archive (AKA [REDACTED PODCAST])

As some of you may know, Indieventure began life as a completely different podcast called Indiescovery, which Rachel, Rebecca and Liam created during their time at PC gaming website Rock Paper Shotgun.