Welcome to the Indieventure website!

Hello, friends!

After months of yapping on about it, I’m thrilled to finally welcome you to the Indieventure website, the definitive home of our daft little podcast.

The motivation behind its creation was simple: We’re growing increasingly tired of social media and wanted a place to share the podcast that a very divorced billionaire didn’t own. But mainly, we wanted to create a database of sorts, an archive of both our episodes and all of the games we talk about within them.

Long-term listeners will be more than aware of just how many games we discuss within a single episode; especially in our list features. We understand that most people listen to episodes in the car, or while commuting on public transport, making it easy to forget exactly what we’ve been chatting about because they’re too busy making a right turn or whatever. It can be frustrating!

Well, worry no more! Thanks to the wonders of modern technology (a bunch of programming languages defined in the ’90s) we now have a website that aims to solve this very specific problem experienced by less than five people. Moving forward, whenever we release an episode, you can visit its dedicated page on the website to see all of the games we’ve spoken about, alongside links to our hyperfixations.

Not only that, but you can also view more details about each game we’ve discussed. You can see who developed it, when it came out, a link to a storefront so you can buy it as well as a list of every episode where it’s been discussed. You can even see if it’s been placed within the Indieventure Vault.

That’s right, you can also see a list of our vault picks, something we know a few of you have been clamouring out for. You’re so welcome.

Best of all, like any Web 2.0-enabled site, you can leave comments underneath our episode posts. Chat with other members of the community! Recommend us some games! Don’t be mean or weird! Cheers!

Obviously, like most aspects of the podcast, this website is very much a work in progress. Because I’ve hand-coded everything (I’m an idiot), pushing my already limited WordPress skills to their limits, you’ll probably encounter a couple of bugs and visual errors as you poke around the site. Please do leave a comment if you find any, or chuck us an email. Thanks in advance for your patience!

Although most functionality is already implemented, there’s still a bunch I’d like to do, including:

  • Add all existing episodes – and games – to the site
  • Add an “About Us” page
  • Create a “How To Listen” page with links to where you can listen to the show
  • Create an archive of links to the [REDACTED PODCAST]
  • Create pages for our game of the year lists, similar to how we’ve set up the Indivenuture Vault
  • Implement a search function
  • Create a big ol’ list of every single game we’ve ever talked about

Like any web project, I’m sure more will crop up over time, but I’ll cross that rickety bridge with my box of rusty nails when I reach it.

Thank you, as always, for sticking with us and I hope you enjoy the site!




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